Since 2021 we’ve been helping 3.000+ companies around the world to protect their domain reputation and improve their email deliverability.
No. We never run discounts, sorry.
There are no contracts or setup fees. You can switch your plan or cancel your subscription at any time.
Upgrade or downgrade your account anytime from your Account Settings. Upgrades take effect immediately, while downgrades and cancellations become effective at the end of your current billing period.
Cancel your plan anytime from your Account Settings. When you cancel, you’ll still be able to use your plan until the end of your subscription period. After your subscription ends, your account will be deactivated.
No. Monthly verifications are not accumulative and any unused verifications will not be carried over to the next month.
We do not issue refunds in general. For monthly subscriptions, you can request for a refund for last month payment if you haven't used the service, but we may decline your request if we see any activity in your account.